Total Health Overview
Total Health integrates seven overlapping areas of wellness. In our initial Zoom consultation, we help clients determine which skills they wish to develop first, and by improving those, often they see improvement in the other areas as well. These areas include Movement, Sleep, Nutrition, Living Environment, Social Connections, Life Purpose, and Joyful Rejuvenation. Click on an area below and start exploring articles about it.
We are social beings. In today’s era of social media and cell phones, we are losing the ability to connect with others face-to-face. Studies on people who live to or beyond the age of one hundred show that face-to-face..
An hour of organized movement (i.e. a workout) several times a week cannot undo the other choices we make outside of our workouts. Many people sit most of the day at work, at home, or in the car. Simply getting out of your chair for a minute every half hour can help reduce the impact of sitting for hours. Components in a balanced Total Health program include but are not limited to: Cardiovascular exercise, Full body strength training, Balance, Flexibility, Mobility, and Restorative activities. It also includes ways to avoid static positions, to move joints through a full range of motion, and to move in multiple dimensions like we do in real life.
This Total Health area addresses our bigger reason for being here. Do you set personal, family, or business goals? What matters most to you? What values or principles do you follow that help you make hard decisions?
The harder you train, the more important it is to prioritize recovery and fun. If you add increasingly harder workouts without adjusting sleep quality or adding time for stress management, you run the risk of burning out, straining a muscle, or injuring yourself.
Our environment includes the home we live in, where we work and play, whether we live in the city, country, or suburbs, whether we have access to healthy foods or live in a “nutrition desert,” and if we live somewhere we feel safe.